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Poles Have Good Reason To Distrust Tusk’s Claim That The EU Won’t Impose Migrants On Them


Poland’s liberal-globalist government joined its conservative-nationalist counterparts in Hungary and Slovakia in voting against the EU’s migration pact in its entirety, after which Prime Minister Donald Tusk claimed that “the EU will not impose any migrant quotas on us.” According to him, “Poland will become a beneficiary of it”, which Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski elaborated on by alleging that the nearly one million Ukrainian refugees that Poland already hosts means that it won’t have to pay for rejecting others.

Many Poles distrust their words with good reason though since the EU earlier confirmed that Poland “has recognised the primacy of EU law” in exchange for receiving €137 billion in funds that were withheld from the prior government. Opposition leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski noted that the authorities haven’t done anything to legally reverse their predecessors’ decision to recognize national law as superior to EU law in some aspects, however, which was at the core of Warsaw’s dispute with Brussels.

This observation suggests that Tusk’s opposition to the migration pact is just a ruse for covering up the fact that Poland is subordinating itself to the EU in anti-constitutional ways that risk exacerbating its worst domestic political crisis since the 1980s if the population realized the betrayal that just happened. As for Sikorski’s spin, it implies that Poland will keep these refugees in the country indefinitely for ulterior reasons on the false pretext that doing so is required to avoid paying for rejecting other migrants.

To be sure, the previous conservative-nationalist government opened the floodgates to them during its time in power before losing fall’s elections and being replaced by a more openly liberal-globalist one, and their members also just voted to link child benefits for Ukrainian refugees with school enrollment. They were also responsible for scandalously bringing in a whopping 250,000 civilizationally dissimilar migrants through legal means during the same period despite opposing the EU’s migration pact on this basis.

As for the incumbent authorities, Sejm Speaker Szymon Holownia posed with an illegal immigrant who infiltrated Poland from Belarus under the guise of being a “refugee” during a January photo-op inside the parliamentary chambers, thus exposing his government’s true attitude towards this issue. Poland’s top two parties are therefore lying through their teeth, with only the much smaller Confederation being consistent when it comes to opposing civilizationally dissimilar migrants and Ukrainian refugees alike.

Perceived economic interests explain the previous two governments’ hypocrisy since the argument was made here nearly two weeks before Forbes’ one here that Poland has to import a huge amount of labor each year in order to maintain its growth. That’s why the ruling liberal-globalists quietly walked back their prior implied pledge to deport Ukrainian draft-dodgers out of solidarity with Kiev, now claiming that an EU-level decision is required and allowing those with outdated documents to remain for the interim.

The combined effect of the authorities’ actual policies towards importing civilizationally dissimilar migrants at Brussels’ behest and the future of those nearly one million Ukrainian refugees that they already host will accelerate the shift in hitherto ethno-religiously homogeneous Poland’s demographics. Voters might not realize the far-reaching consequences of these political decisions, however, since Tusk-allied Warsaw Mayor Rafal Trzaskowski just coincidentally provoked a major socio-cultural scandal.

He decreed that the capital will become the first city in Poland to ban the display of religious symbols from City Hall except those worn by government employees and will use gender-neutral language in its documents, people’s preferred pronouns, and grant legally dubious privileges to same-sex couples. It’s important to note that Poland doesn’t recognize any same-sex relationships, yet the City of Warsaw will now “enable people to collect official documents on behalf of their partner”, among other conveniences.

Kaczynski reacted to this development by thundering at a campaign event that “We are dealing with a situation in which if these further steps, changes in [EU] treaties, are carried out, then we will no longer be a Polish state, we will simply be an area in which Poles live, but are managed from the outside. As long as they [Tusk’s coalition] rule, this ‘European option’…[will seek] to destroy religion, to destroy what people believe in, they want to turn people into animals. We in Poland do not agree to this.”

He’s right, and he correctly identified Tusk’s modus operandi, but this scandal nevertheless partially serves to distract from the accelerated demographic changes in Polish society that are being brought about by the last two governments’ complementary policies in this respect. Well-informed Poles who’ve opened their eyes to those two’s coordinated replacement of the Polish people are therefore souring on both of them and would thus do well to consider backing Confederation if they truly oppose this trend.

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