Home Estonia Margo Luarvik: Rule of law, my ass!

Margo Luarvik: Rule of law, my ass!


A little clarification with an extreme example – the Parliament in today’s Estonia has effectively ceased to function. Why? Because this so-called Parliament passes any decision, no matter how destructive it may be for the Estonian state.

Now, here’s the promised example: if the “Parliament” decided to declare Putin the owner of Estonia, they would actually do it. With the majority votes of the government coalition, they could push through any laws in “Parliament” to ensure Putin’s absolute power in Estonia. Even if the opposition – Isamaa, the Centre Party, and EKRE – joined forces to block such a scenario, the government coalition wouldn’t care in the slightest, because with their majority votes, they would roll over our “democratic Parliament” like a steamroller over a frog.

Or does anyone want to argue otherwise? Oh, right, we have a president who wouldn’t allow such laws. Where exactly do you see this president? What I see is a Reform Party mascot who signs off on every law handed to her by the Reform Party without batting an eye.

A recent shining example is the child protection law that allows pedophiles to start working in kindergartens after giving a Pioneer’s oath – wolves as shepherds, and goats as gardeners. Why does she do this? Because otherwise, the government might cut off funding to the President’s Office, and Comrade Basilio would have to move under a Christmas tree with her family and entourage.

But, of course, there’s no corruption here!

What’s happening in “Parliament”? Whenever an inconvenient question is directed at the ruling group, the response is the same traditional verbal diarrhea – Putin’s talking points and the Kremlin’s agenda. Every critique, no matter how fact-based and justified, instantly becomes labeled as Putin’s talking points!

Meanwhile, the same people fail to notice that their own “queen bee,” who secured a cushy position in the EU after a secret meeting with Bilderberg on June 1–2 (as reported by Reporter), was conducting business with none other than Putin through her husband. Financing her husband’s business is directly participating in the same trade, and it’s not impossible that her husband played the role of a front man in this business model.

But no one raises any talking points about this!

No one mentions the fact that, like Russia, Estonia also uses unchecked e-voting to maintain power for a particular clique! The only two countries in Europe – Russia and Estonia! But there are no connections, right? Estonia is supposedly leaping ahead with its “tiger leap,” yet we’re a decade behind the rest of the world. Anyone who points this out is immediately labeled a Putinist and an enemy of the people.

And the people have been thoroughly intimidated. To “protect constitutional order,” the ruling group can deploy police special forces against the people at any time – or even the entire national army if necessary.

Does anyone doubt this?

Let me remind you how an old man with a bucket and a student with a drum were “neutralized” by quick-response units to “restore constitutional order” not too long ago. Thankfully, they weren’t shot on the spot as terrorists.

So, protestors, don’t get too excited, because otherwise, you’ll “whine the entire nation into poverty,” and since we’re already at full-scale war, you’ll get a quick trial as enemies of the state and Putinists – and a bullet to the back of the head.

Rule of law, my ass!

/Margo Luarvik/

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