Party ratings: The combined support for the ruling parties has fallen to its lowest level in five years.
That can’t be true again?!?!?!?
Was Võrklaev roasted?
He was…
Did people come and laugh?
They did…
Were transvestites shown on state television for the people’s joy on New Year’s Eve?
They were…
What more do you want?
The tax peace is gaining momentum, and wind farms are popping up like mushrooms…
What else do you ungrateful people need?
February 8th is just around the corner, and the next wise decision will be implemented:
You’ll get completely Russia-free electricity, bought straight from the foreign market!
…maybe not every day, but sometimes at least…
Do you think this just happened by chance?
It’s all the result of wise political decisions!
So stop playing Kremlin agents and start boosting the popularity of the ruling parties!
This duty should be written into the constitution.
Do you want EKRE to come here and start shouting w?
Then suddenly, there’d be only two genders again, and gay marriages would be off the table.
Do you think life would be easy without a car tax w?
…consuming dirty oil shale electricity…
…at a ridiculous price…
It’s truly shocking how ungrateful a nation can be!
Makes you want to feel ashamed, just like during Ilves’ times…
/Lauri Jürgenson, Facebook/