Home Economy Indrek Pähnapuu: We need to come up with a new enemy because...

Indrek Pähnapuu: We need to come up with a new enemy because the boots just aren’t getting any traction.


The Russians are such weaklings… They’ve done everything so neatly and politely.
Meanwhile, here we are, driving tanks and running around substations with weapons, itching to fire away.
Now it’s a tough situation…
We need to come up with a new enemy because the boots just aren’t getting any traction.
It’s obvious they’re weak… resources are depleted… all that’s left is a shovel and a padded jacket!
Serves you right, got what you deserve! Go perish there with your electricity, we’ve got clean green energy now… ❤️

But I have an idea…
Maybe we should start provoking the Latvians, maybe they’ll take the bait. What do you think?
We could dig into some issues around St. Matthew’s Day… The Latvians have beaten us in history too!
We’ll find a reason!
Our warriors simply cannot be left unemployed!

Oh, and by the way… our dear Kaja is heading off on Monday to carve up Russia and finally bring democracy there.
About time!

/Indrek Pähnapuu, ERE/ Facebook


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