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Indrek Pähnapuu: 100 million was hidden behind the corner… what a surprise! 😀


BACKROOM | Surprise! The government discovered €100 million in the state budget that they didn’t know existed

Good morning, Republic! 🏰
Positive news is pouring in through every door and window! 👏
100 million was hidden behind the corner… what a surprise! 😀
I also just found 20 euros in my jacket pocket – what a joy!

Now, what to do with all this money?
I think the only and best investment is to send it all to Ukraine in one go.
The Monaco Battalion desperately needs cash because their lifestyle needs funding… all for Estonia, of course! After all, they are fighting for our freedom.

A little more propaganda, and it’s all set… just a matter of formalities.
Today’s goal is a major collapse: empty the Republic so thoroughly that poverty takes hold from every angle.

The Republic’s health is so “excellent” that people are leaving in droves. From Africa? No, from Estonia, of course, cutting ties completely… they just DON’T want to stay; the limit has been reached.
I completely understand… the incoming inflation and tax orgy take away any remaining motivation.
Anyone with the slightest chance or desire to pursue growth is also leaving.

No people, no problem.
That’s how simple it is…

/Indrek Pähnapuu, ERE/Facebook/

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