The following is an honorable list compiled by Martin Laine of those “pro-Russian” individuals who have become a thorn in the side of the state and will go down in history as defenders of free speech in difficult and challenging times. This is a diverse mix of people from different backgrounds and with unique personalities, united by their peaceful views and refusal to submit to tyranny. Some have even paid for their principles with the loss of their freedom.
This list is a testament to how undemocratic and rotten Estonian society has become and how far political repression has already advanced. What’s the next step? Will so-called “Putinists” be lined up against the wall, as some bloodthirsty voices in the media demand? Has Estonian society truly gone so mad that it is ready to kill its own compatriots for “wrong thinking”?
Where have we ended up? Have Estonians really become a barbaric and crude mob that feeds on violence and a thirst for blood? In our malice and stupidity, we are not only a danger to our neighbors but also to our own existence. It is high time to pull the brakes and adjust our attitudes towards a more peaceful mindset! The whole world is trying to move towards peace to put an end to this mass killing of people.
It is time for ALL Estonians to take inspiration from the courageous “Putinists” on this list and start speaking about PEACE. The more people dare to speak up and demand peace, the stronger the people’s voice will be heard. After all, our deranged Republic cannot imprison the entire population. The prison cells have already been sold off to foreigners.
And perhaps soon, the situation will be so bad that being in prison will seem like a luxury – a roof over one’s head and warm food, all at the expense of the state. 😁
In any case, my respect and deep bow to all those on this list who have chosen not to submit to stupidity and violence. These people are the brave sons and daughters of the Estonian nation, who refuse to be silenced and will not let the truth die. 💙🖤
/Ülle Pukk, KOOS/ Facebook