Finally, our dark and depressing world is starting to see changes for the better, as President Trump, like a captain steering an icebreaker, confidently guides the world back toward normalcy and peace. It’s incredible how much energy and determination this man has! America is in shock because, for four years, the country was led by a senile old man who could barely keep himself upright. The legacy of that era? A president who loved licking ice cream and sniffing children. But what truly defined Biden was his obsession with bloodshed and war, earning him the nickname “Genocide Joe.” Thankfully, the era of dithering, mindless bureaucracy, and perversions is now over!

President Trump has been in office for just five days, yet oh, how many serious decisions have already been made!
For perverts and bloodsuckers, the party is officially over. Immediately after taking the oath of office, Trump restored the recognition of ONLY men and women. All other genders or those without one must now make critical decisions: conform to normalcy, seek treatment, or be sent into exile in Estonia. After all, tolerant Estonia won’t leave anyone abandoned. The basements and various nooks of Tartu, our LGBTQ+-friendly cultural capital, will gladly provide a home for all those lost souls.

As for warmongers and Russophobes, they will soon have to find new hobbies because hatred, conflict, and killing are no longer in style!
As unbelievable as it sounds, President Trump has already put the brakes on aid to Ukraine and started a comprehensive audit of the Pentagon. Soon, we’ll find out where the money and weapons supposedly sent to Ukraine have actually ended up. Of course, thanks to the patriotic Lehtme, we’ve long known where and how funds are being embezzled, but we decided to “look the other way.” President Trump, however, isn’t one to play blindfolded like the fools sitting in our parliament – every thief will be dragged to court!

A meeting between President Trump and President Putin is no longer far off, where new spheres of influence will be agreed upon. Over the past three years, Russia has proven itself as a strong and respectable superpower that firmly stands for its national interests and the welfare of its people – something that certainly cannot be said about Estonia. Estonia has sold itself, body and soul, to the Devil. NATO was given three drops of blood out of sheer greed, and now the cauldron in hell bubbles, brewing a stew from Estonians, waiting until the meat falls off the bones.

As the war orgy draws to a close (even CNN is now criticizing Israel), it will be fascinating to see how our politicians try to worm their way out of this mess. Four years of economic and foreign policy destruction have left Estonia in ruins. Since Estonia doesn’t have a strong leader like Trump to fix things, all we can do is pray. Pray that God will show mercy to the Estonian people, forgive our sins, and cleanse our souls of hatred and animosity.

Let us pray that peace and normalcy may, by some miracle, reach the homes of Estonians, and may this new year bring hope and brighter colors to our battered little homeland.

/Ülle Pukk, KOOS/ Facebook