Let’s start, dear ones, with how much money those sitting by the faucet can stuff into their pockets. If enough pennies fall, we’ll make mask-wearing and vaccination mandatory. Anyone who opposes is a flat-earther and an enemy of the people!
Next up: Slava Ukraine. Pay up! Those who don’t pay are Putinists and enemies of the people.
Moving on: phosphate mining and turning every Estonian into a billionaire. If you disagree, you’re a Putinist and an enemy of the people.
Next: covering all of Estonia with wind farms. If you oppose, you’re a planet destroyer and a Putinist.
Next: Trump becomes the President of the United States. We impose sanctions on him from Estonia and declare him an enemy of our democratic state. If you disagree, you’re anti-democracy, a Putinist, and a planet destroyer.
And then comes the next round of bla-bla, because the pennies keep trickling into the hands of the scumbags skimming the cream.
But Estonians—shame to admit—are such genetically defective beings suffering from a permanent mental impairment that most of them are incapable of realizing how they are being milked at every step and from every angle.
The most amusing part is that if you go and explain to them with concrete facts that they are being treated like serfs in the manor’s stables, they’ll be ready to kill you—because you dare to undermine their masters and their so-called democracy…
/Margo Luarvik, February 19, 2025/