Lauri Jürgenson: This deep-state network, which started in the USA, is being torn apart and exposed, rolling across Europe and reaching here as well—and when that happens, the game is over for our Kajas, Sardells, Markos, and Michals.


A moment ago, an interview with our top pedophile, Marko Mihkelson, ended on the transvestite-friendly ERR Vikerraadio show “Vikerkaar,” where he gave his so-called “professional assessment” of what happened in the Oval Office yesterday.

With the devoted help of the host, we once again learned how terribly Trump behaved and how, together with the Vice President, they mocked Ukraine’s oh-so-heroic president, who has suffered in this war of aggression.

It was a textbook example of how broken the mindset of sexual perverts is—where there is no capability to distinguish right from wrong.

Sure, many people will swallow this pervert conspiracy whole, but I openly admit that, unfortunately, I will not.

Let this be crystal clear to you, brain-damaged fools!

I understand perfectly well why you want to escalate this war.

The reason is not complicated.

This deep-state network, which started in the USA, is being torn apart and exposed, rolling across Europe and reaching here as well—and when that happens, the game is over for our Kajas, Sardells, Markos, and Michals.

Your corrupt filth will be dragged into the daylight, and not only will it end your political careers, but it will also wipe out any possibility of your existence on planet Earth!

Your own whining, squealing, and over-the-top lies have already betrayed you.

So… fun times are coming, right? One way or another. And I wouldn’t be surprised at all if, in the end, the USA and Russia join forces to brutally put an end to your planned world war.

Otherwise, though… everything is still going great, and it looks like it’s only getting better!


/Lauri Jürgenson, Facebook/