Iltalehti: A Chinese ship was present near the Estlink 2 at the time of the malfunction.
Yle: A Russian shadow fleet oil tanker was also present in the area of the Estlink 2 malfunction.
I understand that February 8 is approaching (the disconnection of the Russian frequency), and by then, we’ll need a really solid excuse for why we suddenly can’t manage electricity. And what could be better than blaming the whole mess on either the Chinese or the Russians?
But… hasn’t Mr. Beffgur (from the Reform Party and the best defense minister of all time) perhaps shared some TikTok tutorials on how to deal with the Chinese?
With the Russians, it’s clear – you just land a big punch right in the face of the biggest brute with a fully tattooed mug, and that’s sorted. But what the hell are we supposed to do with the Chinese?
Should we start kicking them around like child sex robots, or would it be enough if Karis pays them a “friendly visit”? It’d be great if someone from the leadership could share some pointers, or at least if some guidelines came through the state app.
Christmas and New Year’s could be the perfect time for people to practice at home so that the aggressors are properly deterred.
Otherwise… it seems like even in the new year, everything is still great and only getting better! 😶
/Lauri Jürgenson, Facebook/