In Estonia, extraordinary parliamentary elections are declared by the President of the Republic, but only under certain conditions.
Extraordinary elections take place if:
The Riigikogu fails to form a government – for example, if the prime ministerial candidate does not receive the necessary support in parliament. This never happens because backroom deals always work.
The Riigikogu expresses no confidence in the prime minister, and a new government is not formed within the stipulated time. This never happens because the rubber-stamp parliament only expresses no confidence when a new prime minister has already been appointed behind closed doors.
The Riigikogu rejects the state budget proposal, and the government asks the president to call extraordinary elections. This never happens because members of parliament do not need to know how to read the state budget or understand it, let alone the public. Things will go as they go, and somehow, there will always be a way forward when there is no other choice.
The Riigikogu decides to dissolve itself (this requires the support of at least two-thirds of its members). This will never happen because once someone has tasted a life of privileges without responsibility, they will give up anything to make it last.
Therefore, please refrain from sending me all those signature-gathering links. Protesting under castle windows, collecting signatures, and organizing civic initiatives are nothing more than preparations for the election of the next batch of enemies of the people.
The bottom is here, that much is clear. But where are the new, untainted people from outside the system whom we should genuinely believe will not succumb to human weaknesses once they reach power? Every nation deserves its rulers, so let’s swallow this bitter pill without a chaser.
/Hannes Võrno, Facebook/