Erik Perlin: I urge Joller to immediately vacate her office and submit her resignation


Karmen Joller
(Family doctor, Member of Parliament, Reform Party)

A growing opinion is spreading on social media that infrasound generated by wind farms is harmful to humans. As a doctor, I confirm that the current SCIENTIFIC CONSENSUS does not consider the infrasound produced by wind turbines to be harmful…

I commend the Ministry of Education for not allowing pseudoscience to be spread in educational institutions!

I recommend that local governments and state institutions include a provision in their room rental policies that allows the owners of premises to prohibit renting them out for events that clearly promote pseudoscience. This should also include the right to cancel already signed contracts if it becomes evident that such an event is planned. Surely, legal experts can word this better.

Publicly funded and maintained spaces must not be used to harm the very taxpayers who finance them.

Erik Perlin

Bravo, Karmen Joller! Recognition to her for bringing to light this principled, silent agreement – that publicly funded premises must not be used to harm the very taxpayers who support them!

I urge Joller to immediately vacate her office and submit her resignation, as her actions, attitude, and much of her work over the past few years have severely harmed both the Estonian people and democracy.

She has supported both pseudoscience (because in real science, there is no censorship – asking questions is how real, honest, and impartial science is conducted) and the new public health law, which could lead to fines and extrajudicial proceedings against herbalists for spreading so-called “pseudoscience.”

Additionally, during the COVID era, the mandated masks, vaccines, vaccine passports, and social distancing – which have now been scientifically and even officially confirmed by manufacturers to not prevent the spread of the virus – were falsely promoted by Joller. She misled people, even though the information was already available. She also pushed fear and blind faith in “authorities,” coercing many into injecting themselves with experimental mRNA compounds under the threat of being labeled stupid, irresponsible, or dangerous to others. This went way too far!

There should be no double standards! If we point out her mistakes and the harmful impact of her actions, then she should be packing her bags by the beginning of next week and preparing to face legal consequences.

This is my ideal vision: that we hold those responsible for the COVID policies accountable and remove them from their positions.