Indrek Pähnapuu: Estonia has been completely occupied by warmongers, and the whole situation brings a lump to my throat.


UNDER THE SPOTLIGHT ⟩ Saturday Morning at 9. If Needed, an Armed Guard Will Stand Under Every Utility Pole

Good Morning, Progressive Republic! 🏰

Yes… this is the beloved Homeland in its beauty and harmony.
We’ve wished for Estonia to become an extremely hostile military-controlled zone, where even utility poles are guarded with weapons.

What’s next? When will the news break that fences are being built around cities and everything is under “strict” surveillance…
All, of course, in the name of our safety.

Did you think it was a joke? This is the harsh reality and the direction we’re moving towards. Estonia has been completely occupied by warmongers, and the whole situation brings a lump to my throat.

I simply can’t bear reading this utter nonsense anymore, and, worse yet, watching its construction unfold.
At this point, I no longer believe in awakening or realization. Propaganda and the so-called “progressive” media have captured the majority of the Estonian people in their net, holding them in “firm hands.”

Those with any courage left are relocating their businesses and cutting all ties with Estonia at every level, to the point where even bank accounts are no longer left here.
Zero. Absolutely zero. And believe me, it’s the best decision…

Yes, I love my Homeland and have been incredibly loyal to the State throughout my life.
I’ve been proud of Estonia, carried the Estonian flag at EXPO… but today, I have zero desire—no will at all—to contribute to this madness, be it taxes, defense, or the lunacy of arming utility pole guards.

It’s all so absurd that I don’t even feel like commenting anymore.
Soon, I might just build myself a sailboat and sail off to the ends of the Earth to escape this agony.

I’d simply cut all ties and leave. And honestly, the thought appeals to me immensely.
But is that the solution? To throw in the towel and let the satanists and warmongers ruin our Homeland?
My heart tells me not to give up…

It’s not an easy situation, but I’ve completely lost faith.
Everyone is wondering today: did we come here to live, pay taxes, and serve as “bank cards” for the elite? Or was there another purpose? Food for thought.

What’s the solution?
Sunshine to you all. 🌞

/Indrek Pähnapuu, ERE/ Facebook