Lauri Jürgenson: Mart Võrklaev, known as the importer of the car tax, is now, for some reason, trying to pull off all kinds of tricks.


I remember very well how he and Kaja Kallas, now the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs, used to chant in unison that once the tax hikes came into effect, people would have more money in their pockets.

Now, it seems his family doctor has given him weaker meds because his tune has changed to this:
“A few days ago, Võrklaev told Postimees that his advice to Jürgen Ligi (Reform Party) would be, ‘Make sure the Social Democrats don’t empty the budget.’ Secondly, Võrklaev blamed the Social Democrats, claiming the car tax was their idea, not the Reform Party’s.”

By now, the Reform Party’s pedophilic, homosexual, and money-hungry KajaMartism has shown that while their hands may seem steady, the rest of their body is either short-circuited or riddled with syphilis, and pieces are simply falling off.

Mart, you’re a special kind of rat!
Now that there’s no way to hide the chaos you’ve caused, you’re tucking your tail between your legs and pointing fingers at anyone but yourself.

Of course, this doesn’t mean the Social Democrats are any better.
You all stink!

Otherwise, though… everything is still fine!

/Lauri Jürgenson, Facebook/