The Health Board Warns About a Tallinn Family Doctor Spreading Pseudoscience
It seems like this is a (deep-)state order that the woke communist mainstream media is eagerly rushing to fulfill.
…oh yes…
Yesterday, I got a call from DELFI offering me a subscription for three months at €1 per month. I patiently listened to the saleswoman’s rehearsed pitch about how great it is, how much there is to read, and on top of that, a fact-checking service that’s supposed to help me distinguish lies from truth, plus DELFI TV.
When it was my turn to speak, I asked what, in their opinion, was a good reason for me to pay for their lies?
She started talking about different sectors.
Yes… you do have different sectors, I replied, but what do you have to offer a conservative-minded person besides the weather forecast?
…and even that is wrong half the time…
And you know what… they didn’t even argue against the accusation of lying.
Fact-checking, huh…
Now, this article is a textbook example of my encounter with the DELFI saleswoman. Lies and blatant defamation against Helen Lasn, simply because she isn’t working alongside Joller and the satanic mainstream to increase Estonia’s excess mortality numbers and isn’t doing the so-called “real science.”
Science that was ready to secretly inject children.
Science that ran prize contests to get more young people under the needle.
Today, we see the results of this “science.”
How many familiar faces have suddenly dropped dead? And is there anyone left who doesn’t know someone buried due to turbo-cancer or blood clots that emerged after getting jabbed?
What a science!
/Lauri Jürgenson, Facebook/